Cameo was a hot, little 25 year old Barbary+++ daughter that blessed our barn for much of last year. Cameo was a Champion English Pleasure horses in her day. She was incredibly sweet, kind and loved Julia. They became best friends and Cameo gave Julia confidence and taught her how to really ride.
We will always remember the great memories we shared and I have visions of Julia riding around on her fuzzy blue bareback pad, galloping over the hills. They shared a unique bond and loved each other until the end. I am grateful they were able to say goodbye to each other.

It is an obvious choice that we take this time to honor her life and name Cameo as our Mare-of-the-Month for January. In our sorrow, we will cherish our memories with her and find comfort in the love of friends, familes, and our other horses.
"Don't cry because it's over,
Smile because it happened."