All of the girls wore green shamrock sequin shirts - though they had to remind me they are all growing up and no longer wear junior clothes! Even though the shirts were snug and some resembled belly shirts, the girls all looked great in green!

The horses joined the festivities and wore garlands and shamrock stickers. The glitter shamrock "body" stickers that Bliss and Jordan found worked great on all the horses - what could be cuter than shamrocks on the rump? They worked so well and Poet still had his a few days later. They are my newest favorite discovery. Thanks, Bliss!

Since the ring was still a little wet, we took things slow. The day got off to an exciting start when Brooke and Lola slid around the first barrel. Brooke is a rock star and got back on Lola to finish 3rd in her division.
Julia and Coco still raced around a little, but come on, It's COCO! She ended winning the High Point Championship of the day in Division A (the fastest group). Catie and Royal are quite the team. His toughness proved to be short lived and ever since she got him around the figure 8, they have been a great pair. Even in Ahmanson, they are a wonderful match. Catie earned 3 yellows - all sunshine!

Jordan shared Cutter with her mom and they both earned blue ribbons that day and had a great time - Cutter looked great in his bow tie, too. Even Mona came out from UCLA to show off with her old partner in crime, Picasso. They were so fast, it was really ridiculous!

Mandy came up from Orange County and a cheer competition in Universal City to show Snapper. Jordan schooled Snapper for Mandy and she must have done a great job since Snapper also won a High Point Championship in Division C. She might not be as fast as the other divisions but her head set looked amazing!

Kristin & Sonata had their debut show together and did so well - we were all so proud of them both and they even earned first place. Kristin might have a future as a horse trainer and she did all her patterns in her English saddle, just like the big girls.

Alexa and Poet raced around and after all of her practice all week, she did fantastic and you could see her times are getting faster. It was nice to see Poet's tail after being wrapped for so long too.

Can you believe our Division B High Point Champions were Grace and Gracie? Yes, our 24 year old was racing around faster than the horses half her age. Grace did everything with a smile on her face.
Hannah and Jade rocked the arena and in the morning Hannah serenaded us to the National Anthem - it was beautiful! Big Girls Don't Cry.

Emily and Patrina had to leave early to go look a horse for her mom but that did not stop her from a clean sweep - 3 blues in 3 classes and it earned her the High Point Championship for Division D! This was their first gymkhana together also!

What would a Hidden Hills Gymkhana be without Ashley and Buck Light?! Ashley looked hot in her buckle from last year - earned with Buck Light and is exciting to watch race around. BLight sure does love to race around. They too had a really good show!

Ashley BP came out to help cheer on the girls and pass out ribbons. Emma joined us to ride home after performing in her play (She was AWESOME!). Lilian was there in full force as our official photographer and president of our fan club! She followed us home and photographed the girls in the hills above the Plum Tree.
Overall it was a really incredible, positive day that we all enjoyed! Thank you, Bliss and the HHHA for another perfect day!