It is with great honor that I present this month's Rider of the Month to Ashley Lane! She has earned this award a thousand times over and truly adds something special to our barn and our lives.
Ashley is a joy to have in the barn - she always arrives with a smile on her face and has been the first one to greet the new "Littles" to the barn. She eagerly offers to ride double with them and makes them feel comfortable.
She has also shown a tremendous commitment to the barn and her horses. She is not afraid to take the time and do the hard work necessary to bring on difficult horses. She is nothing but loving with Sonnet, totally patient with Buck Light and puts her faith in Rosie. He horses adore her and like the kids in the barn, they all want to be with her. She can even catch Bella!
There was a big party last week and for a 13 year old girl, that can be everything but Ash made a responsible choice for the horses she was showing and came to the barn to make sure all of them were schooled and ready, making her arrive late to the party. She did this all without resentment and with a smile on her face.
She also shows incredible focus with her horses, never gives up, rides them fairly and with love, and has an immense amount of patience and instinct well beyond her years. She won two High Points at the last show but what makes her special is she would have had just as much fun getting all 5th's!
Ashley is a true leader and role model. She always puts her horses first and takes her time with them. It is a pleasure to have her in the barn and I think everyone would unanimously agree. Congratulations, Ash Light, Ash Attack, Candyland Lane, we all love you and I am so glad you love and care for Sonnet, Buck Light, and Rosie so much!!!! And of course, Khatin Around++++!