Sunday, November 1, 2009

November Mare of the Month - Corporate Serenade!

Two long years ago, I lost my beloved mare, Candy to colic and was left behind a beautiful, premature filly to care for. Though one of the hardest times in my life, so many amazing things came from that tradegy; friendships strengthened, the children grew stronger, and faith was restored.
One of those was the coincidence that Jim's mare, Sera lost a foal within hours of my mare's death. That divine intervention saved my filly and I will never forget the love shared with the Lowe family during that time.
Jules & Callaia
Recently, I heard that Sera was going to be for sale and I felt the need to save her and keep her with us. It was a hard time to take on another horse but an even harder time to let go of what I love and believe in and so, Sera came home to us.
She was reunited with the filly she saved, Callaia and also taken back to the only place she feels is home. It was a wonderful reunion for all of the horses.
This month, I would like to honor, Sera and reflect on all the miracles and blessings in our lives.