New this year we will be honoring the incredible love and commitment our girls show in the barn every day. Not only wll there continue to be a Mare-of-the-Month but we will also now be featuring a "Rider-of-the-Month". Along with the honor, this special rider will have the coveted "shotgun" seat at Pony Club.

The inspiration for this award came from the first child to earn it - Brooke Cohen! Brooke is committed to the barn 100%. She never gossips, shows up in all kinds of weather, offers to help friends and students and shows an amazing bond and responsibility to Lola. She is there to make sure Lola has her supplements even in hail, checks her blankets in all weather and loves her unconditionally.

When there is a sick horse in the barn, you can't drag Brooke away! Last year she was there for Persja and this year she stayed with Poe and Sonnet (and thanks Jordan too!). She watches the horses and notices changes in their behavior consistently. Brooke's love of horses is prevalent in everything she does and I am proud to have her in my barn and lucky to have her for all of the support she provides us all.
Congratulations, BROOKE on being the first RIDER-of-the-MONTH! We all love you! XOXO
"Love is in the commitment."