This honor is probably long overdue. The Rider of the Month for May is Jordan Parr. May is a very special month to me. Candy's birthday was in May and we officially started our business in May.

Not only is Jordan a great rider - sometimes a little too fearless, no one cares for her horses like Jordan. She can spend hours on grooming and her horses are the softest in the barn.

For all of her quiet grooming time around the barn, once Jordan is on a horse, she likes to go fast! And jump high, by the way. For Jordan, the faster the better! When she is not scaring me, she inspires me with her love and devotion not only to the horses, but to her friends in the barn.
Jordan bravely deals with a knee injury and although she was not allowed to ride at several of our big shows, she still attended them to support her friends and work the show. She was their personal groom, photographer, and cheerleader. That sort of character is rare. 

Like her friends, she also loves her horses unconditionally. With Jordan, there is just pure devotion. She loves the horses for their imperfections as much as their qualities. She feels connections to many horses and horses love and feel comfortable with her. Callaia and her are best buds and everyday Jordan is in the barn, we all light up and get excited.
Emma, time to give up the shotgun position! Love you, Jor!